The Nature Of Food
The first subjective experience of a substance on the tongue is taste (Rasa). A short time later, one feels heating or cooling energy (virya). Finally the substances have an action…
The first subjective experience of a substance on the tongue is taste (Rasa). A short time later, one feels heating or cooling energy (virya). Finally the substances have an action…
When acid and salt are mixed new compounds, gases and energy is formed. Ayurved takes this theory into consideration and decides diet on this basis. This important factor requiring attention…
Animal FoodFOODRASAVIRAYAVIPAKACTION ONDOSHAACTION ON VPKBeefSweetHeatingSweetHeavy, ThickBuffaloSweetCoolingSweetHeavy, DullBlack deerAstringent, SweetCoolingSweetLIGHT,Chicken, LightAstringent, SweetHeatingSweetLight UnctuousChicken, DarkSweetHeatingSweetHeavy, HeatingDuckSweet, PungentHeatingSweetHeating, HeavyEggsSweetHeatingSweetUnctuous, HeavyEggs, YolkSweetHeatingSweetCholesterolGoatSweetModerateSweetHeavy, UnctuousSheepSweetModerateSweetHeavy, UnctuousRabbitAstringent, SweetModerateSweetModerate DairyFOODRASAVIRAYAVIPAKACTION ONDOSHAACTION ON VPKButterSourCoolingPungentLight, Binds the stoolButtermilkSweet, SourCoolingSweetHeavy, UnctuousCheese,…
Our body is made of five elements each have its own taste, and there are total six tastes of the universe. Few elements are friendly and few are enemy of…
Diagnosis IntroductionHow to DiagnoseExamination ProcessTribidh Pariksha (Three fold examination)Ashtbidh Pariksha (Eight fold examinationDashbidh Pariksha (Ten fold examination)IntroductionAccording to Ayurvedic theory, to assess the symptoms of the diseases as much as the nature…